Moon Facts


Full Moon Dates


Full Moon Names


Lunar Phases


The Moon

Basic information about the moon and
some interesting facts about it.

"When I admire the wonder of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in worship of the Creator"
(Mahatma Gandhi)

Moon Profile - Basic Lunar Information

by the StarMessage screensaver

Name:  Moon
Age:  4.5 billion years old
Mass:  73'490'000'000'000'000 million kg
Shape:  Egg-shaped
Family:  Member of our solar system, satellite of earth
Active Relationships:  Orbits around the earth
Distance from earth:
   Distance at perigee
Traveling by car:
   Traveling by rocket:
   Traveling by light speed:
384'467 km

 ~364 397 km Distance at apogee ~406 731 km
130 days
13 hours
1.52 sec
   Driving around by car:
3476 km (1/4 of the Earth's)
4 days
Gravity acceleration:  1.62m/sec2 (1/6 of Earth's)
Revolution period:  27.3217 days
Mean Synodic period
(new moon to new moon): 
29.530588861 days
Mean orbital velocity: 1'023 km/sec


Interesting facts about the moon  
  • Rotation of moon
    The same side of the Moon always faces the Earth. The Moon's rotation period is synchronous with its revolution period around the Earth.
  • Change of distance
    Because of a loss of orbital energy to gravity from the Earth, the Moon is very gradually moving away from the Earth. In the very early history of the Earth, the Moon looked about 3 times larger in apparent size in the sky, because it was closer to the Earth.
  • Lunar atmosphere
    The Moon has almost no atmosphere, because of its weak gravity. All types of gas will escape from its surface.
    Without an atmosphere, there is no wind or water erosion. The Moon's surface is about the same now as it was 3 billion years ago. The astronauts' footprints remain unchanged on the Moon's surface. The footprints should last at least 10 million years.
  • Temperatures on the moon
    The surface temperature fluctuates from roughly +300? F during the 2-week daytime to -270 F during the 2-week night. This is because there is not enough atmosphere to keep the Moon warm at night, nor protect it from the Sun's rays in the daytime.
  • The Apollo 11 mission to the moon
    Just twenty seconds' worth of fuel remained when Apollo 11's lunar module landed on the moon.
    The multi-layered space suit worn by astronauts on the Apollo moon landings weighed 180 pounds on Earth and 30 pounds on the Moon with the reduced lunar gravity.
    The average desktop computer contains 5-10 times more computing power than was used to land a man on the moon.

    The surface speed record on the Moon is 10.56 miles per hour. It was set in an Apollo lunar rover.
  • Size comparison
    The volume of the Earth's moon is the same as the volume of the Pacific Ocean.
  • Lunar magnetic field
    The Moon has no global magnetic field. You cannot use a compass to find your direction.
  • Strange Mathematics: 1/2 equals 1/4
    A quarter moon and a half moon are the same thing. The quarter refers to the fraction of the lunar month which has passed, whilst the half describes the portion of the Moon's disc which is visible.
  • Calculation of the Easter date
    Easter is the first Sunday after the first Saturday after the first full moon after the equinox. (The equinox is quite often March 21, but can also occur on the March 20 or 22.)
  • Tides and the moon
    The moon causes many of the tides in the Earth's oceans. This is because of the gravity force between the Earth and Moon. At full Moon and new Moon, the Sun, Earth and Moon are lined up, producing the higher than normal tides (called spring tides, for the way they spring up). When the Moon is at first or last quarter, smaller neap tides form.
  • Sun and Moon Eclipses
    An eclipse of the Sun can occur only at New Moon, while an eclipse of the Moon can occur only at Full Moon.



  • Moon Ingredients
    The moon is not made of cheese.
image of the moon
Instantly view the Moon Phase on your computer desktop with this screensaver

StarMessage: The Moon Phases Screensaver for Microsoft Windows
¤ View the current lunar phase
¤ Get reminder about the next full moon
¤ Write your messages with the stars of the night sky
Find great moon phase and moon facts information in a screensaver at
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Sarasota, FL

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? I downloaded the trial and was so pleased with it I HAD to register it. It's great to look at, its a good communication tool. I leave greetings, messages there for other family members. Its amazing and practical, worth every penny and A+ customer support.

Janice Brown

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Michael Derbyshire

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A great gift for all of us who love the moon and stars

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  • Notifies you about the upcoming full moon and the full moon name.
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